Ostomy and Catheter Supplies in Edmond, OK
Hospital Discount Pharmacy offers a large assortment of in-stock ostomy and cathether supplies in Edmond, OK. If we don’t have what you need, we can place a special order which typically arrives the following business day. We know when there is a need for ostomy & catheter supplies, usually the need is urgent. We are proud to serve our customers with our in-stock items!
Explore our wide range of ostomy supplies:
- ostomy pouches
- ostomy wafers
- accessories: adhesives, adhesive removers, stoma powders, lubricating deodorants, antiseptic wipes, protective wipes, barriers, and more
We also carry a vast selection of catheter supplies:
- Bard disposable urinary leg bags
- cunningham incontinence clamp
- self-cath urinary catheter (straight tip male)
- self-cath urinary catheter (strait tip female)
- foley catheters
- catheterization tray
- irrigation tray with bulb
- pre-lubricated urethral catheter kit
- and more!

Ostomy and catheter supplies in Edmond OK at Hospital Discount Pharmacy – in stock and available today!
If we don’t have what you need- we can place orders that generally arrive the following business day (Monday-Saturday).
When you or a loved one are in need of ostomy and cathether supplies in Edmond OK, we are happy to help! Our pharmacy staff can help you figure out what you need, and if it’s something you need regularly, we can keep it in stock for you! We want to have the products you need when you need them.
Needing DME or other medical supplies? We have what you’re looking for! Click here for more information.
Shop local with us, today!
Hospital Discount Pharmacy is a local pharmacy in Edmond, OK. We also serve the surrounding area including – Jones, Guthrie, Luther, Oklahoma City, and more. Check out our main page for more information. Stop by our pharmacy today!
We are open 9-6 Monday-Friday and 9-2 on Saturdays. We offer free curbside delivery if you are unable to enter the pharmacy, just give us a call! 405-348-1677